Social and Pastoral Outreach
Saint James the Greater Church
Funeral Ministry
One of the Corporal Works of Mercy enjoined on us by Christ is "to bury the dead." We are grateful to those who assist at the funerals that are celebrated in our parish. These dedicated men and women enhance our celebration of the Mass of Christian Burial out of love for the deceased and their families. They assist as sacristan, altar servers, Eucharistic minister, gift bearers, lectors, cantor, etc. Their prayerful presence is greatly appreciated. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please call Father Vincent at 724 478-4958.
Saint Vincent de Paul Society
The Saint Vincent de Paul Society was set up to establish a spiritual and personal contact between its members and those who suffer, and to bring to the latter the most effective and fraternal aid possible. Our parish Saint Vincent de Paul Society solicits contributions for the needy in our parish and local area through donations, as well as volunteers who work at the local thrift store. These funds are distributed to parish members and non-members for various services including food, car gas, shoes, furniture, rent and security deposits, utilities, bed clothes, and kitchen utensils. We are grateful to all who support the Saint Vincent de Paul Society and we welcome volunteers who wish to live their faith by loving and serving their less fortunate neighbors as members of the society. All parishioners are welcome to become a member of the society. If you are interested in joining, please call Richard Gavalik at (724) 727-2326. ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me’ [Matthew 25:40].
Ministry of the Sick
Our parish Ministry of the Sick program sends monthly cards to all of our members who reside in nursing homes and personal care facilities, those who are homebound and unable to join us for Sunday Mass because of age or health issues, and those who are temporarily unable to join us for Sunday Mass because they are undergoing chemotherapy, rehabilitation, etc. If you are interested in joining this ministry we invite you to attend call Father Vincent at (724) 478-4958. Thank you for this consideration as we offer our thoughts, prayers and best wishes to the sick, elderly and homebound of our parish.