The parish community of Our Lady, Queen of Peace in East Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, is a Christian community striving to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic Tradition. We seek to deepen our relationship with God and one another through the liturgical celebrations of the Sunday Eucharist and other sacraments. We proclaim the Word of God through evangelization, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults [RCIA], and Faith Formation, by reaching out to the greater community and sharing our gifts of time, talent and treasure.

Our Lady, Queen of Peace Parish was established on June 4, 1989, by the merger of three existing parishes — Holy Trinity Slovak Church which was founded in 1915, All Saints Polish Church which was founded in 1922, and Saint Casimir Lithuanian Church which was also founded in 1922. The original members of these parishes were family-oriented and church-centered, with a deep Catholic tradition. In January of 1985 a disastrous fire struck All Saints Church. The fire was the beginning of the end for the three churches. On September 11, 1989 a task force was formed with the Bishop of Greensburg and the three churches became one — Our Lady, Queen of Peace. Saint Casimir Church was renovated and rededicated in 1992 to receive the newly formed parish; and Holy Trinity Church and convent were razed to accommodate a new social hall.